Fernando Botero paints fat people. Why? What is it about the rolls and

inspect your mysterious rolls of fat

lol @ fat people. And lol @ dumb Cali kids and their "trend" of anorexia.

Ew!!! lady work fat fat rolls knees ew

(Me mocking people who are contemptuous of fat people or anything

fat-people. photo by TheGiantVermin. The friction generator uses the

This is actually something I find extremely offensive, when fat people chide

okfat people should NOT wear short skirts. the fat rolls on the back

someone forgot that FAT PEOPLE

Most Funny Moments of Fat People

Tom Ford Thinks A Lot About Fat Women And Their Rolls Of Fatty Fat

Here was a guy that didn't sound like the people their parents listened to.

Watch a fat man roll down a hill, get dirty, and almost roll down the wooden

Tom Ford Thinks A Lot About Fat Women And Their Rolls Of Fatty Fat

heard what the blogger from Marie Clare Magazine said about fat people.

Michelin Man arms, rolls as far as the eye could see, and no neck.

(CBS) (CBS) We don't know how many obese people regularly read Marie Claire

He understands that people can improve their looks and just took notice of

Surely you could find enough people willing to voluntarily part with it?

to watch two characters with rolls and rolls of fat kissing each other."